Heaven Above

My dad-in-law passed away on September 1, 2007 to begin an eternal life with our Lord.

He was a man with few words, gentle in his ways and had a generous heart to all. He had led a hard life but he was blessed with a loving and faithful wife and three wonderful sons.

He had fought a long hard battle of cancer for years. And throughout his life, he kept his heart closed against the Lord. Due to persistent prayers of those who love him and the brotherly love of Sitiawan Methodist Church members, my dad-in-law accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour, follow thereafter by my mum-in-law. They were both baptized last month.

His sickness took a bad turn last week and the sons were called to return home to see him for the last time. There were a few times that they thought my dad-in-law was not going to make it but he managed to pull through.

It came to a point, my brother-in-law prayed for a confirmation from God the time which my dad-in-law will be called home. The day before my dad-in-law passed away, my brother-in-law received a vision from God. He saw that my dad-in-law was dressed in a white robe in a very bright surrounding. Beside my dad-in-law was a man dressed in white with face so bright that my brother-in-law could not see his face. My dad-in-law was waving goodbye.

With that, brother-in-law quickly went to the bedroom where my dad-in-law was resting and called out to the rest of the family, just in time to see my dad-in-law draw his last breath.

God's vision brought comfort to the family to know that he is now in Heaven with Him. In this moment of grief, there is also a reason to rejoice.


Moomykin said…
My family and I send our condolences to you and your husband and his family. It is many times and many incidences from this moment that this dear one will be thought of and missed.
Mommy-yeoh said…
Thanks Kin.
Ann said…
My deepest condolences....

The vision of confirmation that he is now with the Lord though is a very comforting one.
Mommy-yeoh said…
Thanks ann
InfanT said…
Deepest condolences from Andrew and i.

Sunflower said…
I'm so sorry to hear of this. But am thankful he came to know the Lord. I'm sure it's also a comfort to WF's family that his father doesn't have to suffer anymore. *hugs*
Mommy-yeoh said…
Thanks fern.
Thanks iq

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