Worship Order

'Me and my younger sister on my engagement night'
24 December2004

I received our church Pastor enclosing the wedding worship through email this morning. I was excited to receive it. It means another box can be checked in my to-do list. I then felt my heart missed a beat. I glanced up at my table calender and realised that I have only 3 and half weeks left for my wedding. Not that I am counting the days in my desperation of getting to be married off, but the fact that I am going to place my singlehood and carefree life behind for the rest of my life. Aaarrrghh!

It also dawned on me that time is running short and I have much to do. But yet, I am not sure what is it that I have to do. I then called Celery (a.k.a. my younger sister) on the phone to bugged the life out of her just to make sure she is not too comfortable in her holiday-semester-break-from-college and gave her instructions of what I had planned for her to do for my wedding. A sister's labour is always cheap and free. If she were under 16 years of age and with all the things I had in mind for her to do, I might be charged for child labour. But then again when something comes in free and handy, why waste it.

Why have I named her Celery:-

1. Sounds nice

2. She is lean and healthy

3. She will scream your head off if you add oil in her food

4. Her favourite food are cereals and oats (yuck!)

5. She doesn't feast (that is so sinful)

6. Can't remember the last time she told me she was hungry

7. I can't get anything by selling her by the pounds

8. Is not worth treating her to a buffet

But she is:-

1. Talented

2. Studious

3. Creative

4. Hardworking

5. Has a good heart

6. A peace maker

7. Good looking

8. Trustworthy


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