There Lies My Faith

The search for a job was never an easy task for anyone. Its the same with Mad Cat. We have been praying for a job and asking Him to provide for us. It took awhile, it some time and it definitely took lots of patience. When Mad Cat was finally offered a job with a multi national company, we were excited and thankful to Him for His goodness.

But this too tested my faith. Earnestly I have prayed that He will provide opportunities for Mad Cat that no man can take away. Yet, caution words from colleagues had set me worrying that the job opportunity is not well secure by mere words of confirmation from the company without an appointment letter in hand. I called Mad Cat on the phone, relaying the message and cautioned him not to resign without a letter of appointment. But Mad Cat gently told me that everything will be fine.

As I placed the receiver down, guilt overwhelmed me and I realised how 'faithless' I have been. He has answered my prayers but yet I have chosen to misplace my faith by believing in others, and not the one who is Almighty. It seems so strange that at the very last moment when He has shown His awesome wonders, I can still wither and sway like a leaf in the wind going back and forth at whichever direction the wind will carry me.

'But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave in the sea blown and tossed by the wind.' James 1:6

How many times have I misplace my faith? Countless, I suppose. I wondered why have I asked Him for blessings or anything at all when I most probably would doubt by merely looking at the circumstances, believing the impossible might happen or perhaps He doesn't want to give me anything good. Have I limited Him in His blessings for me? No one would want to do anything for anyone who does not believe in them, yes?! Yet He has never once sway away from me.


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