Baby M

Someone I know gave birth to a healthy baby girl in May. Today Baby M will be about 2 or 3 months plus. Not long after her birth, they discovered that her skull had closed up too soon for her brain to develop further. By closing too soon, the brain will force itself into any empty spaces the brain can find in the skull to develop and grow. And as a result, Baby M can go blind, deaf and a possibility of disfigurement and retardation.

As a mother to be myself, I can feel the pain my cousin and her family is going through. The child you carry in your womb and now is in your hands may never have a normal childhood as you have anticipated it to be.

Doctors who treated Baby M had suggested for a surgery that may cost close to RM80,000.00. The surgery will ‘open’ up Baby M’s skull while plates will be placed to hold the ‘opening’ to allow room for the brain to grow. But the side effects will be that Baby M will lose her eyesight, hearing and may be mute. Baby M was flown to Melbourne, Australia for a second opinion. The doctor gave a positive feedback although Baby M will need the skull surgery as well as another facial surgery thereafter. Though the doctor’s opinion in Melbourne was encouraging, as parents the pain will not be taken away knowing your little child will have to go through so much at such tender age.

Please pray for Baby M as she is schedule for surgery in November in Melbourne (she has to be a minimum age of 6 months old for the doctors to perform the surgery


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