My Father

I did not come from a rich family but I was able to enjoy life in a very comfortable way. I remembered how he would take us to one of the finest restaurant in town just for lunch and how he would provide for me and my sisters toys that we desire. Those glorious days, if I may dare to say.

But little did we know the truth as we were too little to understand and see. I grew from a little naïve girl into a woman who now sees the truth that drew us apart and anger and unforgiveness wrenched between us. I stopped caring and grew cold, almost forgotten how he had showered us with love. His pride became what I despise the most in him. How each time he disappoints us.

Those glorious days are now only sweet memories of my childhood days. But no one has ever thought that those glorious days will someday be consequences of pain and fear. Fear of losing the place we called home, fear of what will be tomorrow.

I remembered the day when after all these years, and for the first time how I first laid my eyes on him. I see a man down cast, humbled and weary of his future. With nothing to hope and hang on to, while many at his age will be enjoying the new found freedom in their retirement.

That day he put on his well pressed pants and collared shirt and waited for anyone who might be kind enough to give him a lift. When he finally able to get a ride, he turned around and smile at me, as if to telling me everything is all right. For the very first time it broke my heart of stone. The thought of seeing him expecting any kind gesture from a friend or neighbor, was not the man I used to know. Once so proud, he now has to be content to taking a bus or a train.

With a new found job, it gave him hope but as today when I heard that he has to quit because he was not paid, I felt pain that he has to endure such.

I wish that I have to courage to tell him that I love him.

May God bless my father today



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