Solid Food

Sara started on her solid on 16 June, few days before she turns 6 months. I was eager to start feeding her with solid food and suggested to Mad Cat to get a tin of baby cereal for her. Being inexperience, I took the advice of some articles and started her off with 2 to 3 teaspoons of cereal just for starters. That got her quite interested in solid food.

However, 2 days later, Grandma decided to give her more (a small bowl full) and suprise, suprise she finished almost the whole bowl of cereal!Where does she store all the food?! But I was glad that she has the potential to be a FOODIE!!!

There is always space for Sara to join her mother and her godma for some food escapade :)


Marilynn said…
Ha ha Godma gonna teach Sara all the foodie moves :)

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