
I was driving to work yesterday and heard over Light FM on the topic of parenting.

A mother of two called up telling the DJs that her oldest is 4 and is a preschooler. There was a time the preschool arranged an excursion for the children and her oldest got all excited about it. The mother however was not excited about the news at all and had in her mind not to allow her little girl to go. And since the father is away at that moment, the little girl called his father to ask for permission to join the excursion. Of course the father said that she could go. The mother freaked out (those were her words) and all sorts of things went through her mind-should she take leave from work and take the children? Should she drive behind the bus etc. On the day her child went for the excursion, time passes really slow for the mother. She kept looking at the time and was thinking to herself – Now is the time she will be on the bus, ok now she should be back, SO CALL HOME NOW! When the mother called and found her little girl safely back home, she was relieved. The mother added that she is not sure of if she could handle a teenager 10 years from now.

I can’t help but smile about it. My colleague shared the same concern when her 4 year old went for an excursion. Her husband took leave to follow along under the pretext as a volunteer to watch the kids. And we both, my colleague and I had the very same discussion raising the exact issues as the caller.

I had my fair share of being a ‘parent-noid’.

Once my mom had to send something important to an aunt in PJ while I am away for work. I had from time to time told my mom not to bring my baby anywhere without any extra help, especially if she has to drive. Although my mom is bringing my sis and her son along, my nephew can be quite handful and that will keep my sis occupied. Which means it will my baby very vulnerable. With each news on crime committed on children from being missing and un-intentionally kidnapped while hijacking a car, scares me. It makes it worst when I am away from Sara.

I went berserk (literally). I had half the mind to take emergency leave to follow my mom. Its not that I don’t trust my mom, I just don’t trust the world. It was agonizing being at work while half your mind has gone to PJ with them. The moment I received news that they are safely home, I was zapped back to reality at work.

Today, I can look back and laugh about it but if it happens again, I have no guarantee that I can keep my sanity in check :)


InfanT said…
i guess that's what you call...'MOmmy's LOVE'
Ann said…
It's a scary world indeed.

Pray and pray unceasingly !
Moomykin said…
Actually, I would be glad for Micah if he would go off on an excursion and come back with happy reports. Right now we still have not come out of the tunnel of his extreme emotional need for mommy. The best he has done is to go visit a relative near by with both grandparents for about an hour or so.

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