Flowers for Me?

Sara got her very first stalk of flower.

Daddy bought his two favourite girls 3 beautiful gerberas. Two for Mummy and one for Baby Sara.

I never realised it but Daddy pointed out that he usually buys me flowers when he is on Medical Leave. Reason being, the market is just beside the clinic. Notice the word 'market' here, compared to the nice bouquet of flowers he bought for me during our courtship. From nice expensive bouquet of flowers to small bundle of flowers to newspaper wrapping flowers. See the transition?

Naw, I am not trying to make a point here. I just one to say that I treasure every single one of it, be it big or small, cheap or expensive, so long its a gift from him :)


Moomykin said…
Count yourself lucky! The last flowers I got from Mike was my birthday 2005. Before that..... er... Can't remember but maybe 1996?!!

But I appreciate all the other stuff he does for me, so I don't much. ;)
Mommy-yeoh said…
He he. Ya, with all the things Woon Foong did I am not complaining either but realised that all the jokes about marriage sometimes are actually true :)
Woon Foong Yeoh said…
men are practical...nice bouquets are useless cause they will be unwrapped from all their shiny wrappings and ribbons and put into a vase.
might as well save the money and wrap in newspaper. once they are put into the vase, the end product is the same. hehhehe
Moomykin said…
True that wrappings are not as important as the content, but you must admit that it does something for the senses. Eg: wahich would you find more appetising: Nasi lemak in a plastic plate or in a ratan woven plate lined with banana leaf?
Moomykin said…
True that wrappings are not as important as the content, but you must admit that it does something for the senses. Eg: wahich would you find more appetising: Nasi lemak in a plastic plate or in a ratan woven plate lined with banana leaf?

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