Sleep Crawling

For 2 nights since Monday, Daddy slept with Sara while I slept in my room as I was not feeling well. During those nights she woke up twice for feed. Usually she will just sleep through the night. Right after feeding her, I will return to my room. By the second night, as I was trying to return to my room after feed, her head will spring up as if sensing that I am leaving her and cried. I would then have to soothe her and lie beside her till she falls back asleep before I can return to my room.

Last night as I was feeling much better and decided that I should sleep with Sara as I missed having her beside me BUT Daddy too wanted to sleep with her. So we had a little 'challenge' the winner get to sleep beside Sara. Since both Mummy and Daddy are sore losers, we decided that we should sleep together :) with Sara in between of us.

I was in a deep sleep when Daddy woke me up last night (not sure what time it was) telling me that Sara had crawled over him, out of the mattress and was then crawling towards the door. In a dazed, I think I heard Daddy asking me what was she doing. Thinking that perhaps she was looking for me, I got up and quickly picked the crawling Baby up telling her that Mummy is here. I lie her down beside me on the mattress and almost immediately, she was asleep again.

Sleep walking yes I heard of but sleep crawling??? I think I had witnessed it first hand with my Baby.


Ann said… the winner, according to Sara, is Mummy-loh! hehehe....

But scary also huh...for her to be sleep-crawling!
Mommy-yeoh said…
Ann: Yeah, if she had not climbed over her Daddy, we might not realised that she had crawled out. That is why my mom insisted that I should close all bathroom doors and keep everything baby proof.
Moomykin said…
Somehow no one can beat the mommy-baby magnet!! :)

Good thing you guys don't have to worry about stairs.

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