My Child My Responsibility

Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of God belong to such as these” (Matt 19:14)

I have always love children (communicating with them is another thing) I taught the Sunday School once before, way back when I was still in college until I realized that I am accountable to God as a teacher to the kids. As a teenager going into a transition to adulthood, it was something I could not handle and left the duty to someone whom I thought would do a better job.

Today I have a child of my own. I can’t push the responsibility away or passed it down to someone else. She is my responsibility and I have asked for it (I prayed for a baby girl).

I have enjoyed this little gift of life (Sara) that God gave until I realized I have a bigger responsibility than the one I once turned my back on. Food I provide, shelter I give, love I poured freely but God’s commandment I have not kept. I prayed that I will be a parent God wants me to be. And this He has shown me.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all strength. These commandments I give to you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 6:4-7)

People said a mother is an angel to the child. I pictured myself as an angel with a broken wing and shabby hair, probably not shining very brightly too. But I would want to leave a legacy to my children. Not a legacy of fame and fortune but of an identity in Christ Jesus. So that one day when I no longer with my children here on earth, I will know that God will walk with them, doing much much much more than I could. And that they shall turn no where else but to the Lord whom their identities are found. And the Lord shall be their guiding light in their journey.

And hopefully one day the Lord will say to me “Well done my daughter”.


Ann said…
Yeah...I was reminded too of Deut 6:6-9 this week. We can only do as much as God gives us patience and wisdom to do.

And God gives us everything all the time...if only we seek Him and receive from Him.

Press on mummy!
Mommy-yeoh said…
Ann: God is the only One who can give us the strength. Most importantly our children grows up knowing Him

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