Praise God for God

Back to work after a long break. I was on leave since Monday to Thursday as Grandma flew off to Bangkok for a nice holiday.

I was looking forward to the time with Sara but she was sick on Sunday and was planning stuff for us to do. But Sara got the bug from me during the weekend. So there were a lot of sniffling and block nose and a whinny baby.

Took her to see the pead and out of the blue, I asked the pead to have a look at Sara’s eyes. I noticed there was some spot in her iris (ever since she was a baby) which are a little lighter color than the rest. The pead had a look and suggested that we take her to an eye specialist for check up since he thought that it might be an isolated case, meaning he cannot find any other pigmentation in her body.

On hearing that my heart took a leap. What is that supposed to mean? Is it common? Anything wrong with her. The pead could not and would not comment further. Fear overtook me and consumed me. We quickly took her to the eye specialist which is on the same floor as the pead and was disappointed that it has a long waiting list.

We left for home and in the car, I cried my heart out. Because of fear and worry. I told God that I cannot take it if I am given a bad any bad news about my baby. I told God that motherhood is so painful. Worrying for my child seems endless. I just could not stop crying and cried all the way home from SJMC. Not knowing Daddy Yeoh was worried about Sara too.

That night we decided to take her to the specialist and made appointment for Wednesday (SJMC appointment line is 24 hours). We prayed and asked God to give the doctor the wisdom and that Sara will be cooperative to the eye examination and that the results will good and conclusive. I told my friends to keep Sara in their prayers.

That same night God reminded me that when Sara was in my womb, I was send for a 4D scan and was later told to return for another scan. I was not told as to why I have to be back for another scan but was later told that they found one of her heart valve was smaller than the rest. We prayed and at the appointed time for the scan, her heart valve has grown to the normal measurement as the rest. It was God’s way of telling me that He has always been taking care of everything. But as a mother, I just could not stop worrying.

On Wednesday morning, expecting to have a long wait, I cooked her porridge for her lunch, lots of snacks and toys to keep her occupied and smarties to coax her to cooperate during the examination.

God took care of everything and Sara’s turn was within half hour after we reached. We had the chocolates ready and gave her chocolates to keep her still while the doctor did all the examination on Sara.

The doctor told us that it’s a pigmentation of the eye. It’s something like a birth defect. But when I asked if it will affect her eyesight in anyway, she firmly said “No!” loud and clear. At that moment all fears and anxiety just left but at the same time, somehow at the back of my head I knew Sara was going to be alright. The doctor assured us that everything is fine and just to bring her back one year later for checkup.

We thank the doctor and left the clinic with teary eyes and at the lift lobby we hugged each other and thank God for His goodness and grace. Miracles do happen and it’s happening everyday in our lives, especially fro my family.


Julie said…
God is so gracious and merciful to His children. Do not worry and continue to pray whenever you are down or up.

Glad that Sarah eyesight is not affected.
Ann said…
Oh...thank God!

I have seen alot of eye pigmentation in people and all of them have better eyesight than me!
InfanT said…
Praise the Lord.
Moomykin said…
There are just so many things we will worry about our babies, and so many of these are really out of our control.

Truly it is the Great God who takes care of each and every precious child beyond the abilities of caring parents.

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