A Brave Little Lady

I was trying to wean Little Lady off from sucking her left middle and fourth fingers. She will suck her fingers two together whenever she is sleepy or upset since she was a baby. It was her way of comforting herself. I have to constantly wipe her hands clean.

Once she found a chewing gum left by some irresponsible kid/adult and I frantically washed her hand in the public toilet over and over again before she pop her fingers in. It was a very stressful moment for me.

I tried pulling her fingers out and telling her no. But she will insist in popping them in and will use all her might to put them in her mouth if I were to hold her hand down. Her constant sucking cause a lump of skin to developed on her fourth finger. I wasn’t worry too much about that but more of what goes in!

Last night we spend a little time together at home as Daddy Yeoh was away for a meeting in Church. We played with her Doddle and on it I drew a man and told her the story of Jesus. Then I explained to her that Jesus loves us very much. I then taught her to ask Jesus to heal the skin on her finger and explained that our fingers has lots of germs and that she should not put them in her mouth.

I asked Little Lady to say “Jesus heal me”

Instead my Little Lady kept saying “No!No!” and said this…

“Jesus heep me!”

I tried correcting her and said “Jesus heal me”

Again she said “No!No! Jesus heep me”

I then asked her this “Are you asking Jesus to HELP you?”

She nodded her head.

“You want Jesus to help you not to put fingers in your mouth?”

She nodded yes.

And that night as I laid beside her in bed, she tossed and turned and pushed me to turn my back towards her so that she could popped her fingers in but I kept reminding her that Jesus will help her. Once or twice she will ask Jesus to help her. Then it came to a point, it was just too much that she cried holding her fingers infront of her. After much tossing and turning she finally fell asleep without her fingers in her mouth.

Looking at how hard she tried, I knew it was it was hard for a 2 yo to control but she was indeed my brave little girl…


Ann said…

For Sara to understand the concept of Jesus and ask for His help!

You and daddy must be frequent prayers at home.
Marilynn said…
WoW!!!!! Precious!! Its to ask Jesus for help to overcome and not just to take away the lump or 'thorn in the flesh'...

So many times we just want things to be ok and a walk in the park but forget that to be overcomers takes more ..

Godma has a long way to go...
Mommy-yeoh said…
Ann: Hate to admit it but no. Daddy Yeoh and I hardly pray together.

Marilynn: I think we all have a long way to go
Moomykin said…
I'm sure Mommy was brave too. It's hard to see our baby suffer, especially when it's weaning something off them.

I almost gave in to Max's cryings in his sleep while weaning him from breastfeeding. That was tough.

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