A Little Change

Little Lady is making quite a progress. She has not suck her fingers for the past 2 nights. Sadly I can't say the same for her afternoon naps...yet.

At the same time, Daddy Yeoh and I have been trying to cut down her TV time. For the past few nights, we have refused to turn on the TV for her. Instead, we spend time playing jigsaw, drawing on her Doodle or read a book to her. It is not only an adjustment for her but for me as well.

I confess that I tend to let her sit infront of the TV a little too often, especially on the weekdays, so that I could get things done around the house or just park myself on the lazy chair to have a-no-brainer-moment after a long day at work. Entertaining a kid is hard work! Atleast for me it is :)

This is a list of things that I failed to do...
  1. Read to her every night...
  2. Pray with her every night...
  3. Talk to her as often as possible...
  4. Sing with her all the time...
  5. Dance with her all the time...
  6. And every other thing that a mother should be doing for her kid age 0-3 years.

Yup! I am guilty of all the above cause I am just darn tired when I get back from work. Sigh! That's my motherhood :) BUT I am making a little effort now to change...not so that I can have a genius kid...but just for me and my Little Lady to bond and to make up for those times I am away at work.


Ann said…
I know how you feel. I pray that you will successfully make the change.
Moomykin said…
Every little effort is counted.

Every moment you spend cuddling her, talking to her, even when disciplining her counts.

She will know it and appreciate it when she is older.

Just love her and enjoy her.

p/s- count the TV weekends as her treat and yours too.

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