Baby J

Baby J arrived early October, 18 days earlier than the due date. He weight exactly the same as Little Princess when she was born.

Being 4 years older and having to juggle a newborn and a preschool kid, things were pretty rough and filled with lots of *pulling hair* moments. There is no such thing as settling in with the baby. Life becomes instantenously busy and insane. 'Me-Time' became a thing almost-impossible-to-achieve and even if I could enjoy it, it is an oh-so precious-moment!

Baby J is 5 months plus and another 2 weeks or so, he will be 6. As time pass, he grow into different stages where work and more work for mommy adds on. Sounds like a complain? Perhaps :)

Despite all, Baby J brings such joy to us. He hardly fuss except for milk and when he is sleepy. He loves to smile.

He smiles at you when he wakes up,
He smiles at you when you talk to him,
He smiles at you when you sing to him,
He smiles at you when you play with him,
He smiles at you when you change his diaper,
He smiles at you when you bathe him,
He smiles at you when you show him his milk and the 'mommy cow'
He smiles at you when you caught him looking at you...

It is like as if compensating for the difficult pregnancy I had! He is such a blessing to us all. And we are enjoying every moment with him...


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