Good Morning Lord

Yesterday morning, I lay half awake on my bed feeling every now and then a warm but gentle breeze of air on my shoulder. The little lady was sleeping closely by with her face towards me almost kissing my shoulder with the tip of her nose. I was reluctant to get up but the stillness of the dawn caught the better of me. I was fighting to get back to sleep when I realized how still and quiet it was. It was as if time stood still.

In the midst of sleepiness, I sensed as if He was there in the room. In the quietness, He is found, a being so great and mighty yet so still and calm.

I tried waking a little earlier today and see if His presence would greet me again. But as open my eyes, I could hear the roaring of the engine of a bike down the road below. Subconsciously I knew He was there but it seemed so dim, so far from yesterday.

My little lady woke up from her sleep and popped her head up and called out to me as I was looking out the window consciously trying to feel His presence. “Ma ma” the little voice broke my thoughts. I lie back down on the bed beside her and fed her while trying to turn off my alarm. After the feed, I got up and instead of seeking Him, I went about the house getting ready for work.

As morning comes along and time began to make its way faster on a highway speed, mind and thoughts are filled with nothing but endless worries.

How easily for me to ignore Him. His presence so strong yet so subtle that I almost and always forgotten that He is there. But all this time, He is always the one and the first to greet His children in the morning. May my mornings never be the same again. And same goes for you :)


Moomykin said…
My many wonderful moments of feeling His presence is when I watch my boys sleep and I just marvel at the wonder of their Creator.

I can't help giving thanks and pray earnestly for them in moments like these.
Julie said…
A good a reminder to me. Most of the times especially when we are in a rush, we tend to ignore Him and take Him for granted.
Mommy-yeoh said…
Moomykin: They look so angelic when they are asleep, isnt't it? I will kiss her all they way to from her little head to her foot and will hold her little foot and pray for her. God is so amazing!

Julie: I know. Sometimes I am just too busy for Him. But thank God that He never too busy for us :)

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