What about forgiving?
Forgiving has never been an easy part of me. Whatmore for forgivng and forgetting. Sometimes being in anger is so much more comfortable than to say those two words, "I forgive". Forgiving makes me vulnerable, or so I believed, it makes me weak. Something which I felt that I am not made to be. Subconciously, walls are automatically, almost immediately erected around me to protect me. A harden heart I become and I chose to be.
I found and article some months back. I can't remember who was the author or where I have found the article. I can't even remember the contents of the article. But what I remember is this...it said that 'forgiving does not mean that you are allowing or agreeing with the person that he or she has the right to hurt you, but forgiving means to let go and to allow God to heal you.' To heal the hurt, to heal the brokeness and to dry the tears.
Those words stuck to me for the longest time. Each time I chose to be angry, I remembered the words of the author, although not word by word. I never thought of associating forgiving with healing.
But surely indeed when we are hurt, we will need healing, just as being hurt physically.
Forgiving with our own strength is usually not enough