Blessings Above - Part II

' Mad Cat looking handsome on our wedding night'

Until the day I met Mad Cat, can I really appreciate 2 Corinthians 6:14. Have I not obeyed God 6 years ago, I would have missed out His blessings for me and that would be Mad Cat. Like Abraham, I received blessings for obeying Him.

I remembered clearly the day I saw Mad Cat walked into church. He has this no-nonsense look on his face. And of course I have not seen him smile, at least not to me. Now that is really a turn off. That was in 2002. That time, we hardly even said hello to each other.

We then get to know each other better much later in 2003. Well, to cut a story short, we began dating in 2004, got married in 2005 and got pregnant in 2006. Wow! Talk about abundance in blessings!!!

Mad Cat takes you by surprised. He is like deep water that runs still. He is not someone you can get to know by meeting the first time. To know him is to love him more. He lifts my smile when I am down, he becomes my listening ear when I want to bore someone with my boring story of the day, and he becomes my driver whenever I needed one. He will kiss me good night every night when I go to bed and he will pull the covers over me in the middle of the night to make sure I do not get too cold when I kicked my covers away (or him sometimes).

And best of all, he does the laundry, wash the toilet and mop the floor. For an added bonus, since I am now pregnant, he does the dishes too AND without complains. He he he.

Above all, he is a man of God and prays with me and for me. There is nothing more priceless than receiving blessings of prayers from your husband. He will always assure me that God is always here looking after us both and the baby. Unlike me, Mad Cat has a sweet and gentle spirit. His relationship with God is what we call a sweet relationship. And Mad Cat placed strong faith in God. Ha, for me, I tend to argue with God a lot. Occasionally I will bug God with my complains, well okay, its more like most of the time.

Mad Cat is indeed a blessing from God. There is nothing more I could ask (for now). If I had known what I knew today would I give up the relationship for some one whom God had planned for me? I believed everyone would have known the answer for that. But if we can’t see what lies ahead but only to be guided by faith, would I have done the same?

I took a step of faith not because I was brave, but because God has not given up hope on me. But it taught me to see that obeying Him, comes blessings above for God has good plans for us. Would I give up once again something that is so dear to me to Him if He would ever asked me again? I don’t know…perhaps I will.


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