
I have been tagged by Moomykin but never got around it…opps! So here goes…

The rules …
1. Link to the person who “tagged” you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.3
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.

1. I love fashion and I have a huge love affair with accessories.

When I was young I love to play dress up. When I was a child I used to take my mother’s heels (which are way too big) stuffed it with tissues and wear it around the house. I was always given a choice to pick my own outfits even when I was little. But somehow in my teenage years I lost the ‘girlie’ side of me and dressed myself up like a boy way until in my early college days. I was once mistaken as a boy in a ladies toilet! But all that changed when I was doing my degree…more like self discovery J I will take an extra effort to look nice. I have a box full of accessories which I love to play mix and match. I go crazy in a flea market. But then again, things changed for a second time now that I have Sara…so guess where the focus went??? :)

2. I always believe that every woman should know that they are beautiful no matter how they look and that they should never ever let anyone tell them otherwise.

I believe God has created women beautiful in every way (cant say the same for our counter parts cause I am not one of them). I have met so many women in my life that are so beautiful but yet never see that in themselves. They have let other people told them otherwise because of the standards that the world had used against them.

3. I stand for what I believe in

I will hold on to what I believe in even if that means no one would believe in me (of course I must have a basis for my belief). I will fight with teeth and nails if I have to…grrr…

4. I love motherhood and most of all breastfeeding :)

Motherhood is a blessing itself. Able to have another life growing inside of me, carried it around for 9 months and giving birth to it. Watching her grow from a tiny infant, so helpless and innocent to a little imp of one and half year old, whose favorite word is ‘No!No!No!’. Holding her in my arms and looked at her lying still sucking away as I breastfeed her while I silently prayed that my milk will sustain her till she turns two, and at the same time stroking her little head right down to her little toes and telling myself that I could not believe that she growing longer each day. Of course there is a sense of proud-ness knowing that me, her mummy has took good care of her. Seeing every little girl’s clothes or toys hanging and neatly placed in a store, make me wished that money would just grow on tree, so that I can buy whatever her little heart desires. Discovering myself each day, seeing my patience grow thinner and Daddy hoping my temper last shorter with her. Feeling like kicking myself each time she cries because I scolded her and carried the guilt and questioned myself to justify the scolding. Missing a beat each time she carelessly climbed a chair or a stool. Runs to her each time she calls out to ‘Ma ma’. Smelling her hair and tells her softly that ‘Mummy loves you and Jesus loves you’ each night she is asleep. A check that Mummy’s sanity is still intact.

5. Love being alone

As in I love a moment alone sometimes. Spend an afternoon in a café, watching the world go by, having my own thoughts and perhaps read a little. Or take a long walk and gather my thoughts talking to God. But I have not done that since motherhood came…perhaps someday…perhaps…

6. Love exploring

I love to explore new places and try out new food. I love to travel and see new things and that includes shopping :)

I dont have 6 people to tag, so I hereby tag the following persons:

The Wilful Sunflower



Moomykin said…
Nice. I so like the bit on motherhood and so totally know what you mean...

Every child is a gift a from God.
Ann said…
Thanks for sharing. Even as I read yur post, I feel that you are such a strong and steady person, yet there are moments that will make you totally vulnerable and open.

I felt I read the heart of you!
Thanks for sharing.
Ann said…
Thanks for sharing. Even as I read yur post, I feel that you are such a strong and steady person, yet there are moments that will make you totally vulnerable and open.

I felt I read the heart of you!
Thanks for sharing.
Mommy-yeoh said…
Moomykin: God is amazing isnt he

Ann: Sometimes being strong may not be good cause that is what everyone is expected of you and you can be taken for granted.

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