Little Lady's Milestone

Not being able to blog for almost 2 months plus, make me feel out of touch. Not out of touch with my friends' blogs (I have been keeping track on my blog buddies) but more out of touch with me doing the entries.

For the past two months, my Little Lady has grown a little more. Her milestone...

  1. She knows her body parts :) except for the *ahem* (if you know what I mean)

  2. take instructions from her Daddy and Mummy

  3. recognise alphabets

  4. learning to use her imagination

  5. a little more cheeky

  6. wants to wear her own pants and shoes

  7. love to take part in activities

  8. most of all...LOVES to watch MAMMA MIA!!! (besides Wall E)

And the best part, Little Lady's hair is longer Mummy can tie pony tails!


mil0chel said…
whee~~ bet she looks oh so cute with the pig tails..
Mommy-yeoh said…
milochel: Yeah especially when her hair is so little. Ha ha
InfanT said…
she's adorable. i noticed that in church last Sunday.
Marilynn said…
Gonna give you a double barrel gun when she turns 7...
Mommy-yeoh said…
InfanT: Sometimes she will pull her little tails

Marilynn: Yeah man, must be aloaded one ok
Moomykin said…
It was good to see you guys last Sunday.

Little Miss,
Keep growing and glowing, Beautiful.
Moomykin said…
p/s- For the *ahem* part, have you thought of how to address that? Use proper scientific term or our local "disguised" term?
Parenting is so tricky sometimes, eh?

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