Red Dragon
-*Bloody Mary or Hylocereus Polyrhizus- one of the species of dragon fruit* My pregnancy has come a long way since the day we were all worried (in actual fact it, its only me that worry the most) when I have to deal with the uncertainty of Baby’s well being when I was faced with bleeding and was put on a long medical leave. Today I can feel Baby kicking, moving and even elbowing me. This morning I was put into a anxious mode, a feeling which seemed so familiar, when I have done my ‘business’ in the porcelain bowl, I noticed blood in my urine…and in the state of somewhat panic and trying to calm myself, I almost slipped in the bathroom had I not reach out and caught the basin. I told myself that Baby is fine and perhaps I should not hit the panic button too soon until I am sure enough that something is not right. I knew Baby is fine, for Mad Cat and I have been covering her with prayers. I hesitated at first to tell Mad Cat, and when I finally did, he wore his semi-panic-look on his fa...